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Our upcoming  Journal of Linguistics and Biodiversity will delve into the fascinating world of the relationship between language and the environment.

Our Journal of Linguistics and Biodiversity

Forthcoming is our Journal of Linguistics and Biodiversity. It will be a platform to publish and discover a treasure trove of articles, papers, and reports that focus on the intricate connection between linguistics and biodiversity. The scope of the journal will include general linguistics, language conservation, biodiversity documentation, and cultural diversity. Stay connected to immerse yourself in the world of Dagaare, Twi, Hausa, and Swahili as we explore how they impact and are impacted by the environment.

Articles, Publications & Data Archives

Explore the latest groundbreaking and thought-provoking articles on key issues in linguistics, biodiversity, and conservation.

Language matters for biodiversity | BioScience | Oxford Academic

Ready to Explore More?

Join us on this exciting journey of discovery by accessing our resources.

Ready to Explore More?

Join us on this exciting journey of discovery by accessing our resources.